Thursday, January 13, 2011

Between Ground and Sky

Between Ground and Sky
Originally uploaded by Könrad

of prickly
caterpillar hairs
scraping against
my skin
from the inside-out
am i awake or

my eyes are WIDE open

chest collapses
like an accordion
puffing breaths out
note by note
heart beats pummel
my rib cage
room is closing in

drawing upon these years
of teachings
i plant feet firmly
to anchor
then let go
to the sweet surrender
and reprieve
of deep meditation

i am keenly aware
of the one who is
having these medication-induced
symptoms --
the personal i
the noticer who sees her --
the impersonal i and not i

i watch my head stretch
then twist
in odd distortions
eyes fully dilated
as i look up from brushing my teeth
this is not a funhouse mirror
i look into the face
of  insanity

only a few threads
the real
from the surreal
in this trip
i took
ground and sky

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