Monday, June 13, 2011

Life from an Aerial View ...

I shared with a fellow healer this morning,  whose insights about linguistic space were the catalyst for many uncoverings afterwards,  that I recently experienced a look at my personal interactive life from the view that might be taken if I was perched in a helicopter, hovering just overhead. I have had "glimpses" into my own process in this way, but not while in the middle of an exchange with another person in real time.

The content of the interaction itself is not important;  what is of value to me is that I was able to take this aeriel view -- a window seat to the dynamics of my interior and my exterior -- while being fully present and conscious to all of it as it was transpiring on the ground !

Being in conversation with my friend today helped me to understand that I have the bandwidth to hold any intimate interaction and all of its various and sundried components: transference; contraction;   my strategies and those of the other; objectivity & subjectivity; the big picture; compassionate understanding; kindness for each of us.

And, that in order to have this view, it was necessary that I "vacated the space" -- withdrew my personal Self to take in the longer view -- to allow for the known and unknown to touch, to not taint the unspoken aspects of the interaction with historical and personal agendas, to allow for a "birth" or creation of something else to come forward.

It was also in this space that I could clearly hear the wisdom of my interior and the guidance of my Higher Power. This enabled me to not react, to fully take in what was being conveyed, to not make it about me, to wait for right timing to ask a question or speak a Truth. This felt like a 10th Step process in the space of Briatic consciousness ... the Universe we reside in when we are not operating from the personal-only but rather when we are seated in the space of God-consciousness and Impersonal awareness. This allowed for seeing my part, the other's part and having restraint of tongue. To wait and trust God's timing.

It was hours later that a return to a more enclosed, intimate space allowed for a question to arise organically and it brought me into relationship with the other person. It allowed for an honest exchange and brought me into connection that was free of any personal crap; in fact, I would discover that I had nothing to do with it. It enabled me to see the other's situation with utmost compassion and to experience empathy for all involved.

Life from an aeriel view is looking through God's eyes and, when I am wearing those lenses, I get to see just the Truth and to see it with grace and with love.

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