Thursday, October 8, 2009

Finding serenity in the oddest places

Autumn 70, and some
Originally uploaded by Sareni

I awoke today acutely aware that my sinus situation had shifted toward allergy symptoms and what was formerly clogged was leaking everywhere.

I returned back to the AA speaker from last evening and thought about how he tried to "live the Serenity prayer". So, amid the everflowing fluids, I sat with each line:

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change..."

In this moment I understood that whatever my sinus passages had stored was now being released. This is nature running its course. In addition to this, I need to add that my menstrual cycle has been in stall-mode and just when I thought it may be arriving this morning, it never showed up. Only the heavy cramping. And then, the explosive diarrhea. Again, I return to the first line and plant my butt on the toilet and accept the things I cannot change.

"The courage to change the things I can."

To alleviate some of the effects of the nasal waterfall, I remembered that I had a homeopathic allergy remedy. So I took it and the dripping has significantly subsided. This was followed by a very steamy shower, which provided some soothing relief to the sinus passages. As for the menstrual dilemma, a few yoga poses after the shower and not much else.

"And the wisdom to know the difference."

Engaging in self-pity is not even an option. It is what it is.
Trying to control the outcome of the various bodily functions is subscribing to the illusion that I actually have the power to do that.
Taking the next right action has worked so far. If I need another allergy dose, my body will let me know. If I need to return to the toilet, there's no question that my body will sound the alarm! And I can play with my i-phone and enjoy the ride.

Oh, and there's the additional line to this prayer that is said at meetings:
"God's will, not mine, be done."

This is the 3rd step in all of its simplistic glory. To try to do anything else in this moment is sheer insanity. Like a salmon swimming up stream.

I actually feel relief in this moment having just walked through this. Ahhhhhh.

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