Friday, October 9, 2009

Making pies

aspiring to pie
Originally uploaded by Kim Denise

At my women's meeting last night, a particular share touched me more than anything. A prominent member of this meeting spoke about the origins of the apple pie that she had brought for all of us to enjoy. She makes an apple pie once a year to gently remind herself of what she learned to do in sobriety that she could not do previously . She shared a story of being at her last of many in-patient rehabs and the activity they were given was to make an apple pie. With no sharp objects, mind you, given the type of facility. And how they were able to do it because of everyone's contribution. This has been a deeply symbolic activity for her to continue to do this --to now remind herself that she needs the fellowship of others, for all of us to show up to form a meeting, so that she can continue to stay sober.

We make the pie complete with what each of us brings.  And shares.  And extends.

And with every bite,  my life is that much sweeter ...

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