Monday, December 28, 2009

A new set of goggles ...

Originally uploaded by Lisa at TSS

" I can choose peace rather than this."
~ A Course in Miracles

Having slept on the words of last night's entry, I awoke today with a helluva lot more room to wiggle. It is amazing to me how the simple act of "naming what is here" opens up a world of possibility in an otherwise skewed view.

After my morning prayers and a brisk chilly walk with my dog, I met a local friend for coffee, someone who I've not seen in awhile. We both spoke about the contrast of holiday hub-bub and then the "crash" afterwards. I shared with her much of what I wrote about last evening. She could absolutely relate. This led into a discussion about a book that she is reading, which is quite timely in terms of this subject. It is titled: "Loving What Is", by Byron Katie. It is all about simple questions and strategies that can be readily used to "turnaround" any situation in your life where you feel stuck or where you find yourself wanting to defy your current reality. The smile that was building inside of me by the pure divinity in receiving this information at this exact moment was overwhelming.

After this lovely interaction with my friend, I took myself for a nice swim. There was not another soul in the pool. I plunged into the lukewarm water, with a renewed peace and optimism about being in my life, just as it is. With each stroke, with each kick of my legs propelling me forward, it was like experiencing a live metaphor : "Being in the stream of life" . That's how it felt while I was doing my laps in the pool, with relative ease. And that is how I can be in reality, whenever I choose.

We are always at a point of choice at any moment in our day. This is taught in AA and in dozens of other spiritual teachings. Remembering that this is always an option is the issue. For me, it's usually when I get in my own way. When my lenses are fogged up and I am not seeing things for what they are. To some extent, this is the place I was in last evening, though, to my credit, I was already experiencing the movement that brought me to today. I am appreciating the willingness I have to open my eyes just a little bit wider when I could easily shut them instead.

Today, I am swimmingly better, having put on a new set of goggles...

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