Wednesday, December 2, 2009

An unexpected confirmation ...

desde el puente
Originally uploaded by IrreBerenT pintando la vida

Just 2 hours after posting my ponderings of the question re: what did G-d have in mind when creating me, I receive a heartfelt email from one of my students. It has nothing to do with anything learned in the research course I am teaching, mind you. It has everything to do with the intention I believe G-d had in creating me to be a messenger of learning. In this case, when this student began to fall behind on work, I gently probed to find out what was happening for him. He then revealed that his grandfather - his best friend -was fighting his impending death and that it freaked him out. I was able to share with him about my own fears and struggles of having loved ones dying, even my own experience as a grad student in my last semester at this very University, grappling with my father-in-law's battle with pancreatic cancer. A gentle conversation about this on a campus bench seemed to have brought him forward in communicating a number of times about the status of his grandfather either before or after class. He got his assignments in, even though late, because there was now an "understanding" and open communication about what he needed.

His letter to me, which follows, brings me to tears and to my knees; it is clear to me that this precious young man is more awake to his grandfather's dying and has even come to a place of acceptance. There is no greater learning process to witness than this, having walked these tender steps just a few weeks ago with my client's passing.  And,  this is equally significant:  I was able to "carry the message"  to this young man because it was given to me by those who walked with me and before me and shared their wisdom and guidance about how to be present and human in the face of someone dying.

Hey K

I am sorry to hear that you are ill:( I just wanted to write to you to let you know how things are going with my grandfather, because I could tell you were genuinely concerned and that means alot. He was moved from the hospital last Tuesday to return to the nursing home and begin hospice. We were told he wouldn't make it past the weekend and to everyones surprise he is still fighting. Monday he was shocked three times by his defibrillator, the third one occurring at dinner and being the most severe. Although on morphine the man bit his hand and went right through the skin. We made the decision as a family to turn the defibrillator off. All this means is when his heart fails the pace maker has three opportunities to pick the beat back up, after that he will no longer be shocked. We are waiting for the big guy to come and take him.

Thanks for your understanding and concern during the most difficult of times. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.


EDIT:   20 min after posting this,  I receive a call from a county casemanager.  She has a therapy referral for me and I come highly recommended by an agency I do training for.   The client,  it turns out,  is someone struggling with alcoholism.   This is His will,  not mine.   Incredible.

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