Tuesday, January 19, 2010

G-d Singing

Winchester Cathedral Chancel
Originally uploaded by neilalderney123

This morning, I sat prayerfully with the 38 steps of the MAGI process.

The particular "lines" that spoke to me were these 3:

"Listen to the language of sounds: beats, rhythms, drums, birds especially"
"The world will signal and respond"
"The world settled down is God"

As I read the line "The world will signal and respond", my phone beeped to indicate I had an email. I didn't look at it then, but just smiled at the interesting timing. Once I completed the exercise, I viewed that email. It was a link from NPR that a new album was being streamed - for free - from my favorite artist of all-time, Patty Griffin. The album is called "Downtown Church". I have been listening to her ever since. I don't think there was ever more exquisite synchronicity with the MAGI lines and the music I am hearing than this. The write up about this album is that Patty is working through her relationship with faith and religion on this album. It has a deep gospel feel, like G-d is singing right through her. It is like no other album she's ever done. I have sat, intently, taking in each beat, rhythm, drum and her voice, that of a songbird. I am in no rush. I am not moved to "fix" anything or figure out or scheme in terms of the financial issues that I am working with. Right now, I just need "to be".

The world settled down is G-d.

And he is singing the sweetest songs through a little spitfire of a woman.

My head is bobbin, my feet are tappin, and my heart is growin and glowin.



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